Infantino Grow-With-Me Discovery Seat & Booster
The Infantino Grow-With-Me Discovery Seat and Booster is 3 solutions in one, offering an interactive play place, snack-time seat, and a secure booster with harnesses. Babies learn to engage with their surroundings with spinners, mirror play, and silly squeakers, encouraging sensory development. And when it’s time for a snack, just slide away the removable toy pods to reveal a snack tray with a cup holder. As baby grows, use the security straps to affix the booster seat to a kitchen chair.
Super, transitional grow-with-me discovery seat, positioner & booster. This 3-in-1 seat is a cushioned positioner, an interactive seat, and a secure booster with harnesses all in one. Babies learn to engage with their surroundings with silly squeakers, spinners, and beads, all on 2 removable toy pods that convert to a snack tray.